Category : Uncategorized

What Happens at a Meeting of Creditors After Filing for Bankruptcy?

  Bankruptcy can help many people get a fresh start when their debt gets out of control. The journey to get there can be somewhat long and winding, though. One of the stops along the way is the Meeting of Creditors, sometimes referred to as the 341 meeting. This meeting usually happens no later than […]

What Does the Probate Process Look Like in California?

Losing a loved one is difficult and usually requires time for the decedent’s survivors to process the loss. However, during this time of grieving, someone close to the decedent must also begin the process of closing the estate. In many cases, an estate in California can only be considered closed after going through probate. Before […]

What is the Purpose and Benefit of a Special Needs Trust?

A trust is one of the most popular estate planning documents used by Californians. Trusts are preferred for their flexibility, customizable features, and ability to avoid the lengthy probate process, among other facets.  There are many different types of trusts our firm helps Californians create and maintain; one of the most common is the special […]

Understanding the Means Test in Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy should not be viewed as a bad thing in all situations. For some, bankruptcy is the only viable avenue to a financial fresh start. These filings are an opportunity to lessen the burden debt has on your life so you can take steps forward in your career and personal life. What’s also true is […]

Key Differences Between Irrevocable and Revocable Trusts

When you start making important decisions regarding your estate, you may be overwhelmed by the variety of options available to you. The choices you make during this process can have significant consequences for family relationships, taxes, and the management of your assets after you pass. With the right legal team by your side, you can […]

Top 5 Things You Need to Know About the Fair Credit Reporting Act

Have you recently pulled your credit report, only to discover inaccuracies? Have debt collectors been calling you about accounts you’ve already paid or debts that were discharged in an earlier bankruptcy? If so, you have the right to request that these errors and omissions be corrected. There are different types of consumer credit reporting agencies. […]

10 Ways You Can Rebuild Your Credit After Bankruptcy

If you’ve filed bankruptcy, you may feel as though your financial future will be in shambles forever, but that’s not the case. Filing bankruptcy is a way to get a fresh start, and it can be especially helpful if medical bills or other unexpected expenses were an albatross preventing you from living your best life. […]

Considering Bankruptcy? Ask Yourself These 7 Questions First

If you’re finding it difficult to meet your monthly bills and your debt looks daunting, it may be tempting to consider filing bankruptcy. However, there are some things to consider before taking that big financial step. Is bankruptcy right for you? 1. Is Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 the best option? If you have assets […]

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Explained

Chapter 13 is a different approach to bankruptcy, because those who file create a repayment plan based on their income. Rather than erasing their debt, they restructure it to fit their existing financial needs. There are many benefits to filing Chapter 13 because it allows those who choose this avenue to keep their property. It […]

Bankruptcy 101: The Role of the Trustee

While filing for bankruptcy is made as simple a process as possible for a person whose debt has become unmanageable, things behind the scenes are a little more complex. When a person files for bankruptcy, a debtor’s assets are turned into what is known as a bankruptcy estate, which becomes a separate legal entity from […]