Bankruptcy is often viewed as a taboo subject with people looking down on those who go through it, but there’s no shame in needing a way out of your financial troubles. We have a system that isn’t always the most relenting on those who don’t have a lot of money of their own, so bankruptcy […]
Many Americans are struggling to manage massive student loan debt. A recent study revealed $1.73 TRILLION in student loan debt across the United States. It’s a shocking number, and it’s been a common debate among politicians in recent years. While it’s always possible the government wipes out some portion of the student loan debt in […]
An estate plan provides an outline for where your assets and hard work will go when you pass away, but it’s important to keep it up to date. A will is not a “set it and forget it” document, and they’re fairly easy to update. So, what situations should prompt you to make a change […]
Estate Planning is an essential process in California for protecting your family and your legacy. However, Estate Planning happens in many different forms. How can you tell which one is right for you? It all depends on what you want out of it. Estate Planning is the process of working with an attorney to create […]
Years ago, you created an estate plan that included a trust. Now, financial difficulties aggravated by the pandemic have left you in a position where bankruptcy is your best way to move forward. You know that your assets are subject to examination and possibly seizure (if you file Chapter 7), but what about the property […]
There are options for people who have debt that seem impossible. Sadly, some people and organizations offer debt relief options solely intended to take advantage of you. Does this apply to every debt relief option? Absolutely not. But proceeding cautiously and slowly with anyone who offers a means to alleviate your debt burden can pay […]
A lot gets discussed around the consequences of bankruptcy—how to rebuild your credit and what your financial future could be like after filing. It is equally important to discuss what bankruptcy cannot do and the debt issues that it won’t resolve. Before deciding if the cost and repercussions of bankruptcy are something you are willing […]
Americans take on debt. If you are in debt and want to get out from under it, know that you aren’t alone. But are you in a position where you should consider bankruptcy? Though an attorney will be your best source for answering your questions, there are some general guidelines. Debt may be beyond your […]
After bankruptcy, two things hold you back from getting the personal loan you may need: Your credit score and the type of bankruptcy you filed for. Chapter 7 – Stays on your credit report for 10 years Chapter 13 – Stays on your credit report for 7 years It is crucial to note that being […]
Bankruptcy can offer you a fresh start. This is not an exaggeration. A significant amount of the advice out there talks about this very idea. Then they will explain how the process works and how to start. But what happens after you have successfully filed for personal bankruptcy? When you can start over financially, it […]