Americans take on debt. If you are in debt and want to get out from under it, know that you aren’t alone. But are you in a position where you should consider bankruptcy? Though an attorney will be your best source for answering your questions, there are some general guidelines. Debt may be beyond your […]
We tend to think of bankruptcy as a purely voluntary process. While it’s not an easy decision to make, we still control to a large extent when we see a bankruptcy attorney and which chapter we file. Then we willingly file the petition to obtain relief from a difficult debt load and stop collection actions […]
No matter how dire their financial situation has become, too many people put off filing bankruptcy until the last possible minute. Debt collectors are calling and creditors are threatening lawsuits, but they resist until a wage garnishment or bank account freeze forces them to call a bankruptcy lawyer. The reason for holding off? They’re worried […]
If you’ve ever been served with a foreclosure notice, you’re familiar with that pit-of-the-stomach feeling that accompanies it. If you’re not already in the know, foreclosure is the legal process in which your lender repossesses your house because you’ve failed to keep up on your mortgage payments. Many people think a foreclosure notice is the […]
When you file bankruptcy, you need to list all of your debts so that you can be discharged from them once your case is complete. While some of these obligations are straightforward- for example, you owe $5500 on a Visa card you haven’t been able to make payments on for months- others can’t be quantified […]
In the 1934 case Local Loan Co. vs. Hunt, the United States Supreme Court stated that the bankruptcy process was intended to give honest but overwhelmed debtors a “new opportunity in life and a clear field for future effort, unhampered by the pressure and discouragement of preexisting debt.” These words are an excellent -and still […]
Although “bankruptcy” is a scary word to many people, it is nothing to be afraid of or ashamed about. This is a legally valid tool for those in a great amount of debt to get out of dire financial straits and realize a better, brighter future. That said, it is a significant step that will […]
When going through the bankruptcy process there are many things that you need to be aware of. For most people, one of the most important is the automatic stay that gets put in place. An automatic stay is a key point in US bankruptcy law that basically says that creditors (including collection agencies and even […]
Individuals who intend to file for bankruptcy have two options: a Chapter 7 filing or a Chapter 13 filing. Both of these types of bankruptcy aim to discharge your eligible debts in order to bring you financial freedom and peace, but they do so with different processes. Chapter 13 bankruptcy restructures your finances. You create […]
Increasing your bottom line isn’t always about raising prices or bringing in new clients. A big part of a small business’s financial health that often gets overlooked is wisely managing the money you already have. Smart financial management can make a huge difference for your profit margins, so we recommend getting into these four healthy […]